For those who were not successful in the supplementary exams

By now, most if not all of the results for the supplementary exams are out. For some of you, the supps would have gone your way and you have finally obtained your CTA! For others, the results were not as favourable, and the big question which many people have been asking is....What happens next?

Well, for starters, as harsh as this might sound, you need to accept the result and get on with your studying as soon as possible. Test one is right around the corner and you simply cannot afford to let this disappointment pollute your academic year. Whilst it is understandable that you are probably very disappointed at this point, and maybe even a bit confused as to how this has happened, you need to stay on track for test 1.

A good thing to do would be to request a copy of your examination script so that you can see where you went wrong. A lot of students feel that their final mark and their supplementary exam mark isn't significantly different, leading to all sorts of wondering and speculation! Do yourself a favour and end the doubt - get yourself a copy of your exam script and learn from your mistakes.

Some of you may opt to go down the route of having your supps re-marked. While you are more than welcome to go for this, to be pretty frank, a re-mark usually comes back with the same mark. So if you are going to go this route, please avoid giving yourself false hope of that re-mark coming back as a pass. Yes it may happen, but any academic will tell you not to pin your hopes on this. Don't make the mistake of not being totally committed to this academic year because you are hoping for a miracle in the re-mark. You've already lost one academic year, don't make it worse! In any event, even if it came back as a pass, you still need to study for ITC in June so you should be studying anyway!

Emotionally, allow yourself some time to process what has happened, but don't invest too much into this. Yes, there are many of you who would have felt that the supps went well and that the odds of you passing were rather high. And now you feel like your dream of writing ITC in June has been shattered, your hope has been lost and you're staring down the barrel at another long year, wondering whether you can do this again or not. You may even be wondering whether it is even worth it.

I assure you, it is. The time will pass anyway, but in a year or two from now, you will be glad that you didn't give up if you soldier on right now. But if you turn your back on this, you will always wonder "what-if?". Do you really want to live that way? You've invested the time and effort up to this point - to give up on this now would be throwing all that down the drain for now return.

Another thing I want you to take from this is to use this as a lesson - don't rely on supplementary exams. If there is anything that this experience should make you realise its that you should give it your all during the year and during the examination period so that you aren't in this position again. While a lot of people do pass their supplementary exams better to not have to write a supplementary at all.
