What do your test one results mean and what can you do about it? - Part 1

With just under two weeks until test two, we enter the period where the test one results should start trickling in. For some the results will be great, whilst others will be bitterly disappointed. The question then is, what do these results mean and how should you respond to these results, whether they are good or bad?

While many people may not realise or admit it, the results for a previous test can have an impact on your preparation for (and consequently results for) the subsequent test. Don't believe that? Answer this - how many times have you or someone that you know failed a test badly and then just had the motivation sucked out of you for that module? Or, how many times has it happened that you pass a test and you now suddenly are filled with motivation to do well?

So when it comes to test one, it is especially important that whatever your result may be, you learn to respond in such a way that it results in you putting yourself on an upward curve as far as your marks are concerned.

Usually when a test comes out, you can put yourself in one of four categories:
 1. You expected to pass and you did pass
 2. You expected to pass and you did NOT pass
 3. You did NOT expect to pass and you did pass
 4. You did not expect to pass and you did NOT pass

If you're in the first category, firstly, well done. It's important to get off to a good start but what's even more important for you at this point is to make sure that you KEEP passing. You definitely don't want to be a one-hit wonder and pass test one but then never taste success at the end of the year! Whilst starting off is important, its not just about how well you start but how well you finish. You're definitely on the right track and you have the motivation and confidence which many people are severely lacking right now. The goal for you now is to use that motivation and confidence to drive you forward and to keep working consistently.

Firstly, as I've mentioned before, doing well in the class tests is NOT a reflection as to how well you'll do in the exams. So if you've passed the class tests, don't think that your knowledge of those topics is at the level required to be successful in the exam. You still need to improve on your overall understanding of those topics, however what it does show is that your current grasp of the concepts is quite strong and that you will be able to expand on your knowledge without spending too much additional time trying to understand the basics.

A big mistake which many people sadly make is to get a bit over-confident (and dare I say arrogant) about doing well in test one, resulting in them taking their foot off the accelerator for future tests. This normally ends up in the person subsequently failing future tests and having their confidence and motivation completely shredded by the time the exams roll around.

So if test one went well, what does this mean for you with regards to test 2? Well, your goal is to try to keep the momentum going and to replicate that success. While it is very unlikely that you will go through your CTA year not experiencing disappointment of some sort, you need to make sure that you don't fall from cloud nine all the way to rock bottom. You've got off to a good start so now it is important to keep it going.

Secondly while you may be on a high the last thing you should be doing is gloating about it or blowing your own horn and passing remarks about how easy the paper was. You did well great but use that to help lift others who didn't do as well as you did. You'll be suprised at how much more you can learn from their mistakes than your own successes. It will also help you see your own weaknesses and what you need to work on in future for the exam.

Lastly keep yourself grounded. View passing test one as achieving success in one of the five series of assessments you need to go through in order to get your cta. Remember it's one down and four to go. Challenge yourself to improve and to push that year mark as high as you can! You've already got off to the start you need to get to the end result you want. Don't waste it!
